By:Warren Wong
Feel Better - Be Happier
Are you feeling sad or unhappy? Here’s a few things that I’ve found to be extremely helpful.
If you are feeling sad, this is probably the most effective method of feeling better right away. Go outside and just start running. It doesn’t matter how fast you run, or how far you run, as long as you get your heart pumping and blood flowing. Try to push yourself a bit so that you have to concentrate really hard to make it through those last few feet. Doing this yields a ton of benefits:
- Exercise releases endorphins which immediately makes you feel better.
- It gives you a long term healthy habit to go to whenever you feel unhappy.
- While you’re concentrated on moving your muscles those last few laps, your mind is not fixed on what you’re sad about.
- Improving in exercise will give you self confidence when you look back on it.
- Do it outside so that you get some fresh air and sunlight.
- It increases your metabolism so that you feel more energetic for a while.
Whenever I return home from running, I’m always breathing so heavily that nothing else matters too much at the moment. There are never any feelings of pain, sadness, or anger. Something about struggling for breaths of life makes all your other troubles seem very trivial.
Laughing works faster than other exercises, as you can just throw back your head and do it. Go ahead, just laugh out loud right now… Hahahahahaha!!! Um… okay, maybe that was a little creepy. Uh.. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Okay, feel better?
Like other types of physical muscle contractions, laughing releases endorphins and relaxes you. It seems to be more effective than say running in that you can feel better after a short laugh than a long run.
Of course, it’s not always easy to laugh when you don’t find something funny. Therefore, the long term solution is to try to change your outlook to find life a funnier place. Notice the little quirks and ironic things going on around you and laugh at those. Notice the stupid mistakes you make and laugh at those. Notice how all your problems are so little in the grand scheme of things and laugh at that. Everythng kind of is pretty funny :-)
Meanwhile, in the short term, just laugh when you feel sad. You don’t have to find something funny to start laughing; you can just laugh randomly! That in itself is kind of funny (so you might start off fake laughing, but then find that scene so hilarious that it becomes a real laugh anyway). Once you get used to it, you’ll start naturally laughing a lot more! It’s like a natural endorphin boost throughout the day that you don’t really even notice!
Another one of my favorite physical activities that just provides a natural endorphin boost. Unlike running, you don’t have to sweat and puff all day long. Singing is a lot like aerobic exercise, except it’s a lot more fun! Join a choir, audition for a musical play, or even just go to church. Pick something that is funny, motivating, and inspiring.
After all, while you’re singing about how good it is to be alive, it’s hard to think of anything negative. Here’s some inspiration: For The Beauty Of The Earth
I have definiately found that my overall mood is much improved when I sing on a regular basis. The easiest regular source of singing is probably church, where no one will judge you and you can feel at home singing in public. Additionally, these regular sources of singing tend to put you into contact with people, which will (hopefully) help you laugh more also :-)
Remember The Happy Memories
Try to think of some memories. Are they ones you feel good about, or ones you feel bad about? If you’re feeling bad, chances are, the bad memories are the ones on the surface of your memory. If you’re always thinking, this is bad, that is bad, then of course everything is going to seem bad to you!
Think of a time when you were truly happy. Just any memory would do. For example, I can remember times in my childhood when I lived in a boarding school. In my corner, there was a big hole, and in it, my friends and I would always stash a bunch of “goodies”. Random stuff like paper, pieces of plastic, etc. My one prized possession was a piece of pinkish plastic shaped like a hat. It was basically an oval, with a cylindrical portion raised up in the middle. It was somewhat rough in texture, but I found it to be unique. It was a special item that I would take out once in a while and look at with glee.
Just describing that experience made me feel kind of happy. Thinking of memories like these in great detail helps you “relive” those experiences. Memory works in that the more you think about something, the more it becomes ingrained in your mind. Trying to continously think about how to get rid of your sad memories just makes you sadder! Spend some time each day and try to recall any good memories you have. Before you know it, you’ll start relating everything to those happy times and your sad memories would just be a vague recollection of the past!
Do Things And Go Places That Make You Happy
Of course, it also helps to get some new happy memories! With all those memories making you happy, why not relive some of those memories? Remember the beach that made you feel really peaceful and serene when you were a kid? Go there and sit by it for a while. Or maybe that trip that’s always made you energetic and gave you a feeling of excitement. Take that again. Do the things that you love to do, and be happy!
Remember that the main goal here is to build happy memories though, not to go through the motions of the experience. As you do these things that make you happy, take it all in and really appreciate it. Isn’t it such a great and wonderful experience? It makes you feel great just being alive!
That’s the feeling you’d like to get later when you look back on this time and relive this experience, so make it a good one!
Make Some Happy Friends
Since you are looking for happy experiences, what better way to make them than by hanging out with happy people? Pick some people that seem to be happy and smiling all the time. Make them your friend and hang out with them on a regular basis. If there is one thing that’s true, it’s that the thoughts of people you are closest to tend to “rub off” on you. You become more like the people you interact with on a regular basis.
There’s a lot of advantageous to making naturally happy friends:
- You’ll have someone making you happy randomly over the long term
- You may start to learn why they are so happy and learn the source of that happiness for yourself
- You’ll be subjected to happy experiences while undergoing this process
- Happy friends generally have happy friends also, so you’ll meet even more happy people
- Happy friends will introduce you to activities that make them happy, which you can adopt even if the friendship doesn’t work out
It sure seems like a lot of ways to make yourself happier :-)
Finding Meaning In Life
Memories can only be happy when things are meaningful though. After all, who feels happy about doing dull and meaningless things? Therefore, you should try to find out what has meaning for you. When you do something important well, you feel important too! Think about it - People who do important things are important! Luckily, you determine what is important, so just find out what those are, and do them!
Before long, your mind will be so consumed with all the details of doing important things, that sad memories become forgotten or unimportant by comparison! Then you’ll just be left with happy memories of yourself doing important things! :)
This is one of the most important ones for finding long term happiness. Being content and finding happiness when you are alone will allow you to not depend on anything external to yourself. It gives you freedom in that these external factors don’t control your mood. For example, if you’re dependent on your friends to be happy, then you’ll always be afraid of what happens if they aren’t your friends anymore. This’ll make you feel unsure about yourself all the time. Anything that would cause your friends to be away from you would make you worried. You might start becoming very controlling of your friends, always needing them to be nearby. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you might become very afraid of making your friends angry, never seeking out healthy relationships. Finally, when your friends go away (as everything goes away eventually - we all die after all), you’ll be sad once again.
Compare that to having inner security, where you have a source of happiness that no one can destroy. Why not figure out what you want and go after it? You’ll always be happy trying to take that journey!
Friday, November 30, 2007
How To Feel Better And Be Happier
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Increasing Sex Drive, Personal Developments, Romantic Couple
Thursday, November 29, 2007
How To Make A Woman Jealous...Sex Talk
How to make a woman jealous? That's the question a lot of guys ask when they are either chasing a particular woman or they are trying to get back with a girl who's just dumped them. Or, another common scenario is that you are in the 'friend zone' with a girl who you'd like to get intimate with.
She likes you, but doesn't want to sleep with you. You're already her friend so you are half way there! You now need to get yourself out of the friend zone and take your relationship with her to the next level. You need to learn some of the strategies of the alpha male to do this.
The best way is to make her jealous. This can either be done by dating another girl and making sure she absolutely knows about it. Or, just invent a girl and make sure she doesn't know its just an invention.
When you are talking to your female friend one day, shock her and ask her a sexual question. What positions are best for making a girl orgasm? What is her biggest turn on? You have now crossed that "friendship" line and taken it to a much more intimate level. You'll actually find that she won't be as taken aback as you think - just make sure you put on your best Alpha Male front, and ask these questions with confidence. Whatever you do, don't sound apologetic for raising the topic. If you do, then you'll be swiftly back into beta male territory.
Meanwhile, start seeing her less, but when you do see her make those time more fun. Do something different and exciting, interesting. In turn, she'll look forward even more to the time you do spend together, and start to hate the time you spend apart.
Keep dropping in conversation those sexual related topics. Not ALL the time, or she'll only think you're interested in one thing. Don't joke around whilst talking about sex, or you will sound uncomfortable and therefore relatively immature.
The key here is to be confident. Act like the Alpha Male you want to be. Even if, initially, you don't feel that confidence inside, put on the act and soon it will become second nature. You'll soon be comfortable with how to make a woman jealous.
By:Mick Martin
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: for men, Jealousy, sex talk, woman jealous
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
How to Buy Lingerie as a Gift
By: eHow
Lingerie is one of the most popular gifts you can give a woman. It helps if you know her preferences and color choices, but you can't miss with a lovely silk gown or tasteful negligee.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Step One
Try to find out what kinds of lingerie she likes and what size she wears.
Step Two
Shop at department stores, lingerie specialty stores or Web sites.
Step Three
Choose from a variety of lingerie products, including negligees, peignoirs, slips, nightgowns and robes. Be conservative if you don't have a close relationship with the woman for whom you are buying.
Step Four
Pick a color that you think would look good on her, if you don't know her color preferences.
Step Five
Check on the return policy before you finalize your purchase, and make sure the items you are buying can be returned or exchanged.
Step Six
Add a bottle of her favorite perfume or some aromatherapy candles if you're in the mood for romance.
Tips & Warnings
• Designer bra and underwear sets are very hot right now, but it's hard to buy a bra for someone else. A gift certificate might be the answer here.
• Unless you have a very close relationship with the woman, avoid giving lingerie items that are extremely risqué or things that are in bad taste.
• You shouldn't buy lingerie for a woman you know only casually. Lingerie is considered an intimate gift.
• If you're a man trying to get your wife out of faded flannel gowns or T-shirts by buying her a sexy nightgown, it's probably best not to get your hopes up.
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: sexy girls, Sexy Lingerie, Women's Fashions
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
How To Shop for Women's Shoes if You're a Man
Shopping for women's shoes can be difficult enough for women. But if you're a man shopping for women's shoes, the task might seem impossible.
Why would a man shop for women's shoes? Well, if the woman in question loves shoes, it will show that you understand her and that you're interested in making her happy.
Even if you've never shopped for women's shoes before, a few tips could have you well on your way to finding the perfect gift for the women in your life -- you may even have fun doing it.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: Varies
Here's How:
1. Shoes: To Give or Not to Give
First, determine whether shoes are a good gift idea for the woman in question. It may seem like all women are shoe-obsessed, but that's really not the case.
If you're unsure, try checking her closet to see how many pairs of shoes she has. Does she wear different shoes each time you see her? When you're shopping, does she linger in the shoe section?
If all else fails, ask her why women are obsessed with shoes -- if she has a ready defense, chances are she's one of us.
2. Profiling a Woman's Shoe "Type"
When it comes to women's shoes, there are hundreds of styles, heel heights, colors, materials, and so on.
Find the style of women's shoes that suits the woman you're buying for by knowing what kind of woman she is.
Is she athletic? Is she career-motivated? The outdoors type? Or is she an artistic, one-of-a-kind kind of girl?
Form a mental image of the woman she is, and narrow your focus to women's shoes that will suit her.
3. Check Your Facts
Check your info by looking through her magazines or catalogs. A reader of "Vegetarian Times" probably won't appreciate a pair of leather boots.
Also pay attention to the stores does she like to shop in. Designer heels might be lost on a woman who collects old Converse chucks from eBay, and you might insult a fashionista by offering up even the most comfortable of walking shoes.
By paying close attention her preferences, you'll dramatically improve your chances of success.
4. The All-Important Heel
Now that you know the type of shoes she might like, you need to pick a heel height.
While some flat-wearers secretly covet a pair of four inch heels, it's best to play it safe. Stick with flats or heels under 2 inches. Walking in high heels takes a lot of practice, and she should make that jump only if she chooses to -- not because you like the way they look.
If you know she loves high heels, go for it, but stick within the range of what she normally buys for herself.
5. Get Her Shoe Size
Some women are a very consistent shoe size. If you look through shoes she owns, they might all have just an "8" or a "9" on them. It will be simpler to shoe shop for these women. But, most of us wear different sizes due to manufacturer and style differences.
If there an equal number of only two sizes, go with the larger size. If there is a three-size range, try the one in the middle. And, no matter what, make sure the store has a return policy!
6. Verify Her Shoe Width
Letters near the size will indicate a special width. You might see an "A" or several "E"s, or even and "N," "M," or "W." These all represent different widths.
To make matters more confusing, different letters can be used to specify the same width. For example, an "A" and an "N" are both mean "narrow."
If in doubt as to what the letters mean, make a note of them and ask someone at the shoe store which width they indicate. Again, be sure to check the store's return policy.
7. Put Your Knowledge to the Test
Now that you've gathered the information you need, take your findings for a "test drive" by tagging along the next time she shops for shoes.
Take note of what she picks up and tries on, and check her reaction to the shoes you think she might like.
Even if your instincts seem a bit off, don't worry. This is only a test run, and what you learn here will help you get it exactly right. You'll also get extra karma points for taking an interest and shopping with her.
8. Shop for Shoes
It's time to hit the shoe stores, or the online retailers. In addition to the notes you've made, remember to check the stores return policies and ask for assistance if you need it. Most importantly, relax and try to have fun. If shoe shopping wasn't fun, we wouldn't spend so much time doing it.
9. There is Always Plan "B"
As a last resort, or if this all just seems too overwhelming to you, there is an easier way: gift cards.
Once you've determined that the woman you love actually does love shoes, you could get her a gift card or certificate for her favorite shoe store.
This is a little less personal, but if the card is sizable enough, she'll probably forgive you.
However, take note, this trick may only work once -- so, be sure to do your homework before the next gift-giving occasion!
Author:Desiree Stimpert
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Attractive Girls, sexy girls, Sexy Heels, Sexy Shoes, Women's Fashions
Sunday, November 25, 2007
How to Shave Your Bikini Area Completely
1. If the hair you want to shave is long, trim it to about half an
inch in length with scissors before showering.
2. Start your shower and allow some time before you begin shaving
so that your skin warms up and softens.
3. Begin shaving with your mons pubis. Wet the area with warm
shower water and smooth shaving gel over it. You may want to invest in
some shaving gel for this delicate area, even if you normally use soap
for your legs and armpits, especially for your first time.
4. Briefly wet a fresh razor that you are familiar and comfortable with.
5. While standing, shave with long, slow, even strokes in the
direction of hair growth. You can put your hand onto your stomach just
above the mons pubis to make sure the skin over your mons pubis is
smooth and taut.
To prevent skin irritation, keep the strokes as
smooth and long as possible. Use as few strokes as possible. Rinse
your razor between strokes if it becomes clogged.
6. Shave as much off the mons pubis as you like, and then rinse off
your shaving gel. Repeat steps 3 - 5 if you missed any spots.
7. For a closer shave, reapply shaving gel to the mons pubis and
again using long, smooth strokes, shave in the opposite direction of
the hair growth instead. Stop doing this immediately if you experience
any irritation or pain.
8. Next, shave your inner thighs and labia. Choose which side you
would like to shave first. It may be easier to start with the side
opposite your dominant hand, i.e., if you're right-handed, start with
your left side.
9. Place the foot on the side you want to shave on the shower wall,
i.e., put your left foot on the wall if you're starting on your left
10. Bend at the waist to see the area you want to shave.
11. Wet the area and apply shaving gel to either the left or right
inner thigh and labium, depending on which one you currently want to
shave. Take care not to get any gel or other shower products in
between the labia.
12. Again using your smooth strokes, shave with horizontal strokes
from the outside in, i.e., if you're shaving your left side, shave
from left to right. Use a light touch. Stop each stroke before the end
of the labium in the center. You may want to spread your legs further
apart to keep the skin you're shaving taut, so that you won't run into
any folded or wrinkled skin while you're shaving.
13. Rinse any excess shaving gel.
14. Repeat steps 9 - 13 with your opposite, unshaved side.
15. When you are done with your shower, gently pat your bikini area
dry with a soft towel. You may want to apply a gentle, frangrance-free
lotion on your mons pubis.
* You will not be able to shave this way every day because the
skin in your bikini area is delicate and sensitive. Allow at least a
few days in between shaves. For a constantly hair-free look, you will
have to look at other hair removal techniques, such as waxing or
lasering hair away.
* You may experience a lot of itchiness as the hair grows back
when you shave this area for the first time. However, if you are
careful; use long, slow strokes when shaving; and use as few strokes
as possible, that should minimize itching. Also, the itchiness usually
disappears after a few shaves.
* Gently patting the area with baby powder minimizes itching and
makes it less likely that you'll develop irritation.
Shaver Beware!
* Stop shaving immediately if you experience any irritation or
cuts, and rinse your irritation or cut thoroughly with clear, running
* Don't shave skin that is already irritated or is in any way not
at its healthy prime.
* Always use shaving gels, soaps, and lotions that you know your
skin won't react to. Don't use a new bath product for the first time
when doing this.
Things you'll Need:
* Warm shower
* Moisturizing shaving gel that you have used before and know is
not irritating to your skin
* Women's manual razor in fresh condition, in a style you are
comfortable using
* Soft, clean towel
* Gentle, fragrance-free lotion that you have used before and know
is not irritating to your skin (Optional)
Authors: Check their page
Anonymous, Ben Rubenstein, Versageek, Flickety, Krystle, Sondra C, Chicablog
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:39 PM 0 comments
Labels: Breasts, Lingeries, Sexy Bikinis, sexy girls, Shaving, Wet
Friday, November 23, 2007
The 3 Best Butt Exercises For Women To Sculpt A Slim and Sexy Butt
Author: Heather Picken
Women want to know what are the best butt exercises to firm and
tighten their butt. Many women complain that this is a problem area.
That's why I want to share with you the 3 best butt exercises that
will slim and sculpt your butt.
Here are the 3 top exercises that every woman needs to know if they
want a slim and sexy butt:
1. Squats- This is a great exercise that will help shape your glutes
and upper thighs. To perform a squat you would pretend as if you are
going to sit down on a chair, with feet shoulder width apart, knees
bent, and hold weights at your side. It'Keep your head up and make
sure that your back is upright and feet are pointed straight ahead. If
your feet are pointed outward it may cause your hips to be tight.
The deeper you go, the more you feel your glutes activated. Do anywhere
from 8-15 repetitions. Another version of the squat is called a pop
squat. This is similar to a squat, using no weight. Simply stay in a
squat position with knees bent and jump up and pull your feet together
and jump out with feet apart and repeat this movement.
Perform 15-30 repetitions. To make this more challenging swing your arms all the way
up when you jump up and try jumping up as high as you can off the
ground. A few sets of these and you will be seeing your butt looking
slim and sexy in no time.
2. Deadlift (single leg)- This exercise will also work on your
balance. You may want to use a lighter weight so you can maintain a
good balance and increase the weight as you feel more comfortable.
Simply stand on one leg and keep your knee bent. The other leg should
be off the ground, so that your weight is all on one leg. Bend at your
waist and hold a weight on the same side that you are going down on.
First, bend at your waist, while you place the weight directly in
front of your leg. The idea is to touch the weight to the ground or as
close as possible, then come back up and repeat. Perform 8-15
repetitions and switch legs. Performing this exercise one leg at a
time you are burning more calories and doing twice the work, which
means getting you closer to a slim and sexy butt.
3. Lunges-These are great for shaping the whole leg all the way up to
your butt. You can perform what is called a walking lunge with weights
or without. If you are doing this with weights, you would hold the
weights by your side and walk. Make sure as you walk you are bending
your knee and lunging forward. Keep you head up and back straight.
Also, make sure that your knee doesn't go over your toe. Count on each
leg moving forward about 16-20 steps and back, this is equal to 1 set.
There are other ways you can perform a lunge. Another way is to do
them in place and alternate between each leg.
These 3 exercises are the best in slimming and sculpting a sexy butt,
as well as burning calories. Forget about doing leg lifts, these just
don't produce the results to a firm butt, since they don'activate the
muscles in your butt as they should. If you stick with these simple
exercises you will get results.
Heather Picken (Female Fat Loss Expert and Co-Founder Of Fat Loss For
Women online community.) Check out Fat Loss For Women
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 11:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: butt fitness, firm butts, sexy butts, sexy girls
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Getting the Date on the Spot
You have to appear casual as much as possible. You don't want it to look like that you've been wanting to get laid right away.
My friend Alex, told me this story:
"Our regular administrative assistant at work was going to be gone for a few days, so we wanted to hire someone temporary, just to do some administrative duties. Someone was scheduled to come by that afternoon, and the boss was going to be out of the office. He told me if I liked her, I could go ahead and hire her.
"She was a cute little Asian named Pho. She came in about 2:15 in the afternoon. We talked for a while, and I told her she had the job. Then I invited her to go next door for coffee.
"Well, we talked for about an hour and then I asked her if she wanted to have dinner. We did, and that turned into a movie. And from there we went back to my place and did all sorts of wonderfully obscene, sweaty, moisture intense to each other for several hours. Ah, c'est magnifique!"
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Labels: hooking up, office girl, pick tips, sexy asian girl
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The One Attitude that is an Irresistible Appeal to Women & Getting Laid More Often
One of my buddies invited me to go to a party with him. Not having much of a social life anyway, I accepted the invitation, and besides, this guy REALLY knew how to get laid. In fact, he is the "laid-meister", and I’m not.
So we got into the doorway, then I saw a stunning blonde in a low cut dress, surrounded by guys trying to hit on her. My buddy saw her too, looked at me, and went right into action. I saw him walk in the door, cut through the crowd of guys, say something to her that I couldn't hear, and hand her a card and a pen. She wrote something down, and out came my buddy, smiling ear to ear. He had gotten her phone number!
I asked him what he said, and he told me, "I just walked in there, looked at her, and said, `Excuse me. I saw you through the doorway, and unlike these gentlemen here, I don't have time for small talk. I'd like to take you out. Can I have your home phone number?'
Now, it's not always necessary to be that direct. But it is necessary to grasp and use the attitude my buddy had, the super-attitude which will get you laid more than any line, trick, good looks, fancy car or fortune. The attitude is:
Make no excuses for your desires nor for yourself, just live the world without apologies
Do you really want to get laid? Then, don't make excuses for wanting to look at a beautiful woman. If you're caught looking, and she asks what you're doing, tell her!! Tell her you're enjoying studying just what a perfectly beautiful body she has, and to heck with her if she's too uptight to appreciate a real man who doesn't apologize for knowing what he wants!
Stop making excuses for wanting to meet a woman! Stop making excuses for wanting to ask a woman out, and most of all stop making excuses for wanting to FUCK the living shit out of a woman you want! This kind of direct, powerful, go-for-it-attitude is an incredible turn on for women that can't be beaten!
Listen! It isn't even the words you use that convey this attitude! It's your tone of voice, your facial expressions, your posture, the speed at which you speak, everything non-verbal about you will show this attitude far more than words.
This doesn't mean you have to be arrogant, or lack a sense of humor. You can be warm and friendly at the same time you are being direct and powerful. The key is finding the balance. Once you do you will not be able to keep women away from you.
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 11:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: attractive sexy women, for men, hook up tips, laid, sexy women
Monday, November 19, 2007
How to Meet Girls Online
1. Go to a good online dating site and join the site. Many sites are free and take about 10 mins to join and setup an account and verify by email.
2. Look around and make contact with a few of the members. Use the chat and online email functions, contact a few members and don't place all of your eggs in 1 basket. As a rule, women get lots of email so they won't always respond to the first contact.
3. Play the game a little, even online. Make contact, be polite, respond to what the women are looking for in their profiles. Women get hit by so many replies to their ads that they are only going to respond to the ones that stand out and address their needs. Online dating is an easy skill - you want results improve your skills. Just like the offline dating scene, some men are much better at it than others. This is not to say you can’t learn the art form! Common or uncommon sense is one of the big things, you can learn it or fake it.
4. Do to others as you would have them do to you. Girls are going to behave differently depending on what they are expecting, so you have to take a good close look at the information they post in their profile and adjust your approach. If a girl says she wants a one night stand or a three some then you can be a bit more risque with your initial approach. If there is an indication that your prospect wants a relationship, then you would be advised to start slowly or consider what you're after and not start at all.
5. Follow these general guidelines:
* Use your manners.
* Ask intelligent questions.
* Look at and respond to members profiles.
* Respond to ads where you meet the profile requirements.
* Give a little information about yourself and what your looking for.
* Use a good picture or series of pictures (no graphic sex shots).
* Get a professional photo taken.
* Be patient. If someone doesn't respond to your email immediately, don't rush to send another.
* Be genuine. Don't lie about your age or anything else!
* Don’t be rude.
* Don’t respond to ads outside of their asking requirements.
* Don’t act like a sex starved idiot (even if you are).
So what are you waiting for Check out some of the good online dating site CLICK HERE
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dating Techniques, online dating, online personals
Hop on Tiger!
What are you waiting for hop on!
Also check out this video
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: Kelle Marie, sexy girl
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sexy YouTube Girls Dancing
Check these out, we have collected some of the good stuff from YoutTube... Viewer beware, this videos will make you hot....
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Ladies, show your humps wisely
Whether you're a blessed breast diva with an obvious hump on top or you're the pear bearer, finding a way to make the most of your tits can often be a dreadful moment.
Well fear not because our tips are here:
• If you're blessed in the chest with boobs to die for, go for sexy over slutty by balancing that killer cleavage with an 'A' line skirt below the waist.
• If your figure is top-heavy opt for outfits that taper at the waist, accentuating your natural curves and countering any shapelessness.
• Tops with a built-in waistband are a great way to create a waist whilst making your boobs look bountifully big – a great way to show off your assets.
• If your big boobs are commanding far too much attention, minimise their presence with an empire line that sits right on your bustline.
• Wrap-around shirts can give you a really great shape, with a low 'V' neck acentuating your chest and a tight-fitting waist that can adjust to fit your figure.
• Ruffled blouses are a great way to bulk out your boobs and bring attention to your bangers. Busty girls beware, however, as ruffling up your already ample assets can increase your top-heaviness and make you seem out of proportion.
So let’s show off those cleavage!
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: breast, cleavage, female, information
Masturbation - Is it Sexual Satisfaction or EXERCISE?
Before we start with discussion masturbation techniques, lets try to change the way we view masturbation first.
In today's society there is more and more education readily available regarding the benefits of masturbation. In understanding and accepting masturbation, you first need to change the way you view it and accept it as 'morally unacceptable'.
When I was a little girl, I was told that touching your private parts was considered 'bad'. It could result in blindness …or only "bad girls" touch themselves.
The reason I ask the question about viewing masturbation as sexual or exercise is because many women still believe that any form of masturbation is considered 'bad' and not accepted by society.
Masturbation is considered a form of sex, but 'solo' sex. It is also considered the safest form of sex. However, there are some links to masturbation with physical exercise and muscle development.
First, let's look to Webster for some definitions:
The word "exercise" is a verb meaning to train, practice.
The word "masturbation" is a verb; meaning erotic stimulation especially of one's own genitals …commonly resulting in orgasm and achieved by manual or other bodily contact exclusive of sexual intercourse, by instrumental manipulation, occasionally by sexual fantasies or by various combinations of these agencies.
The word "orgasm" is a noun, meaning intense excitement, especially and explosive discharge of neuromuscular tensions at the height of sexual arousal that is usually accompanied by the ejaculation of semen on the male and by the vaginal contractions in the female.
Last the word, "gratification" is a verb, meaning to feel satisfied, complete.
If you grew up thinking that masturbation is wrong, educate yourself on the definitions, try a new way of viewing the term: masturbation.
If you masturbate to achieve an orgasm, the orgasm is a form of muscle tensions, therefore isn't this considered exercise …training the pelvic muscles? When you masturbate you are focusing on your sexuality; therefore, you are exercising your sexual organs to help improve your sex life; therefore improving your relationship.
When you exercise, you are training and working on your muscles. You are trying to get your heart rate up to 140 beats per minute, to effectively challenge your body to respond to the training and see results in muscle definition. Breathing is very important in proper form of exercise training, which increases blood flow, relives stress and tension.
During an orgasm, the heartbeat increases up to 140 beats per minute, and the explosion of muscle tension means that you effectively challenged your body to respond and result in muscle definition, concentrating in the pelvic region. In addition, during an orgasm, the amount of concentration in breathing techniques helps improve blood flow and relives stress, headaches and tension.
Therefore, in summary, if you have issues with breaking society beliefs that masturbation is morally unacceptable, take a another look at the definitions presented above. Masturbation is a form of exercise, you are training a particular part of your body.
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: female, for femme, sexual information
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
How to Keep a 'Booty Call'
I had to give a talk about the importance of ‘booty call’ protocol to a couple of male friends of mine. Which is the cause of this article – how to keep the ‘booty calls’ happy and balance them.
Personally I have come to think if more players played the way I play, there would be less uncomfortable situations.
So how to handle booty calls, is first to describe exactly what is a booty call. Well my definition is someone you have around for sex, you know that you don’t want to have a relationship with them, but they are just fun and that is it, fun. And I am talking safe fun, definite condom use. But for the majority of booty calls there comes a point where the line is crossed and the booty call either becomes the relationship or the end of booty call. So this article is about keeping the booty call exact what it is, which is a booty call, never cross over to one of the other sides.
So how is this done, first thing first, honesty, you must not only be honest with yourself about what exactly you want out of the booty call and what all limitations are. Some times the limitations are where I can mess up the most, because I personally push the limitation issues of physical play, as far as I can.
Rule number one, with booty calls, you try to move dating over to sex as quickly as possible. Once you do the dating and social thing the lines can become crossed. So when first meeting someone, throw everything on the table and make them decide if it is the sex or the relationship. I swear I work my ass off for the sex part because I already know that the relationship part would just turn ugly. I am not saying turn down the date thing, during the initial contact, push on the topic about sex, to get out of the relationship potential thing. Coffee is cool but stay away from the dinner dates. Okay got the agreement for sex, no dating, just sex, right – a ‘booty call’.
Rule number two and one of the most important rules that men seem to forget, which is what we were discussing last night. Call them !!!! This ensures long lasting booty call action, minimum once a week until initial okay and comfort factor just incase they don’t want this type of relationship. Then no matter what, once or twice a month, just to keep the strings intact. Trust me, you never burn bridges, you always put the notion out their that you are into them for ‘booty call’. Use words, like whenever you have the time or if you need a little loving. Always throw the notion that they are in their control. Because if you are anything like me you know that you have someone or something else lined up.
If you do not call, then you will miss out on important time frames in people’s lives. Trust me, I am working on meeting up with one of my favourites: Buck Fifty. Okay now this is a good story. Buck Fifty like $1.50 Boy is one of my favorites, come to think, all of them are my favorites, all for different reasons. Okay, so Buck Fifty and I have been friends for a couple of months, actually I really wanted to sleep with the girl he was with at one of the shows and she kept turning me down. See I get turned down by lots of women. But now we are all close friends. Anyways, Buck Fifty, just before another adult show, he said that he could balance 6 quarters lying flat on his cock to help show me what I should ‘test drive’. Reality is, Buck Fifty Guy is really that, wow and amazing. And of course I welcome others to email me pictures of quarters lining up balancing on their hard cocks. And of course ladies, Buck Fifty is definitely worth trying out and you all know I share the boys that that highly recommended. And if I do not comment about the guy then you know something is wrong, but there is no need to discuss negative sexual encounters, we just try to eliminate those men.
Okay I just got off the telephone with a buddy of mine from LA and he had to make comment on booty calls, if you treat ‘booty calls’ like a sales leads in business then handling them would make life easier. What an awesome way to view ‘booty calls’ just like business clients. That is probably why my protocol works.
Okay away from the stories, so next rule, always listen to ‘booty call’ people and all the bullshit and stories about their lives. Because don’t forget you are in control and by listening to them you have a better chance of dealing with them. So shut up and listen to them. Never tell them about your extra curricular lifestyle unless you are dealing with me, because I can handle the stories. I try never to tell the men about other sex stories with men only the stories with the women, as they compare themselves to those men. Men are jealous and need to be in control, so let them think they are. I am not saying not to be honest. Be honest, tell them that there are other people but do not give out details. Details are not cool, but of course you should only give me the details because what else do I write about.
Always be positive even when you think the sex sucks. I just got informed that anything that doesn’t last 20 minutes does not count. Very funny. That would eliminate half of the individuals in my life, including myself. Seriously, be positive, people have many fears about their body image, performance and the list goes on. So be nice, but do not feed them a load of shit, I never give them anything more than what I can offer. Also that is why I always keep a couple on the go at all times, because one time the sex can suck and other times it can be fun. It seems to be based on their moods, raises, work, bill payment, etc.
Third and last, ‘booty calls’ should be treated as friends, which is the fact you have to let them go when they meet someone they really like and want a relationship. Let them go, because you will remain friends with them and still chat as before, maybe the sex won’t be there, until they break up and you are needed, but you never burned your bridges, which is the number one of the rule for ‘booty calls’.
Remember booty call and relationship should be handled separately and never cross over, it can ruin perfectly functioning sex.
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 10:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: benefits, booty call, singles
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
How to Keep Your Sex Life Sizzling in the Winter
The cold months are coming and many of us will loose some of our sex drives. Some reasons are due to the hibernation mode we all get during these months or not feeling in the mood to do naughty things, because of gained weight. There are possible ways to add some sizzle in your sex life in the winter.
There is a song that goes like this. "baby you could light my fire", indeed. Why not set an atmosphere to spark up those sensual nerves, use your fireplace to create that
intimate atmosphere that would put both of you in the mood to do some sweating, hard pounding movements and a lot of moaning. Well, if you don't have any hearth, just jack up your thermostat.
Lusty Bath
Of course, this definitely would put the both of you in the mood for some boning action. Imagine this, both of are naked and there is some scrubbin' and rubbin' happening, and friction creates heat.
Try having some foreplay, teasing actions before hitting the glorified moment. Try to feel each other's warm body as long as you can. This will create the urge, the anticipation for the intimacy to begin.
Sticky Summer
Ever had a hot, sweaty sex during summer? Both of you are in the moment, but it was hot and it feels sticky but didn't care anyways. The smell of sweat and the loud moans was all you could sensed (yep, that's what i'm talking about). Since it's winter, it is impossible to have the same moment again, although you could re-create the feeling of it.
Get some petroleum jelly or the KY jelly's and rub it all over your body to re-enact that summer moment. Don't worry, the jelly won't make you feel cold, it will actually help you keep your warm temperature.
Tent Humping
Nothing is better than having sex in the wilderness. Although, with this technique you don't have to hit the outdoors to get some humping actions. Set up your tent in the living room or where ever it fits. Lay out the air mattress, sleeping bags, heater, etc. Just like the whole nine yards when your camping out.
Remember, you are creating an atmosphere, so be realistic in some ways. Once you are all set, invite your partner to come and join you and take off each other's clothes right away, just like your in a huge rush to see your partner naked. It's up to you if you want to be discreet or not, heck or as loud as you want it to be (while enticing other campers nearby).
So there you go, I am pretty sure one of these technique will surely get you lucky!
Happy Boning!
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: for couple, sexual tips