With the rise of gay and lesbian unions, many couples are finally deciding to take the plunge and have a public commitment ceremony. Although several states now legally recognize same sex unions, many do not. If you have decided to make your relationship 'official' you may wonder who will perform a ceremony for you.
If you live in a state where same sex unions are not legally recognized, finding an officiant may be a difficult task. However, there are several options available to you.
If you would like a religious commitment ceremony, check with your local congregation. If you do not belong to a congregation, check with your local Unitarian Universalist, Episcopalian, Protestant, Buddhist, and Reform Judaism congregations. Some allow same sex unions and some religions leave it up to the judgment of their clergy. Do not get disappointed if your first few contacts do not perform such ceremonies, there are plenty of ministers and rabbis who do. You may also want to visit gay friendly internet communities to find recommendations for clergy in your area.
If clergy or a justice of the peace is not an option, you may consider asking a friend or close family member who is good at public speaking to officiate the ceremony. Consider people who are completely supportive of you and who will have wise things to say about love and marriage. Their words should be reflective of your relationship and commitment to each other.
Once you have selected someone to perform your ceremony, make sure you go over all the details of your union. Be sure to discuss how you would like the ceremony to be performed, how you will perform your vows, and what the officiant will say during the service. It is important to your wedding day that everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be done.
Finally, if you cannot find someone who is appropriate for your needs, consider having a ceremony that you both will officiate. In this situation, you both would welcome those who have come, say a short reading or something reflective about your relationship, exchange vows, exchange rings and seal your public commitment with a kiss. If you are a bit shy publicly speaking, this option may not be for you.
By:Erica Tevis
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Who Should Officiate A Same Sex Union?
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Gay Marriages, Same Sex Couples
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sharing the Bed at Your Parents' House
You’re sexually liberated-- in fact, you’re practically living with your boyfriend. So why should you have to pretend you’re not having sex with your partner when you go home to stay with your folks over Christmas? Indeed. You’re an adult, there’s nothing to be ashamed of and it should be easy to broach the topic, right? Hmmm. I know many a 30 or even 40 year old who’ve asked themselves this question, while they’re lying shivering in their childhood single bed with a grumpy partner tucked up on the fold-down bed in the loungeroom.
It’s not easy to come right out and say ‘Hey Mom and Dad. I know you probably know I’m not a virgin but do you think we’ve reached the stage where I can leave no doubt by shagging my boyfriend under your roof?’ Which is why I don’t suggest you do. But there is a way to get your way without making everyone wish the floor open and put you all out of your misery.
First up, prepare them before you arrive so you’re not confronted with made up beds in separate rooms. Simply say, ‘Mum or Dad, I’m so looking forward to spending time with you. And I know X (your partner) is too. It’s quite serious between us and I really want you to like him as much as I do.’ Now, even if it’s not serious, I’d still throw this one in. For a start, you probably are keen or you wouldn’t bother bringing him home to you family. Secondly, saying you’re serious allows your parents to console themselves with the ‘They’ll probably get married, so it’s ok’ thought or almost as comforting ‘She’s in love so sex is ok’.
Once they’ve digested this, say ‘Mum/Dad, I know this is a bit awkward but would it be okay if we shared the same room? He stays over most nights or I’m at his place and it would just seem odd sleeping separately’. Note the emphasis on ‘sleeping’ - you’re trying to give the impression that’s all that will happen. Faced with such directness and honesty, most parents will cave in. After all, you’re already having sex, so it’s sort of pointless fighting it now! If they are horrified because it strongly offends their religious or moral code, it’s up to you how to deal with it. Quite frankly, if it would upset them deeply and you know they wouldn’t understand no matter how tactful you are, I wouldn’t even bother trying. Just accept you’re going to be sleeping apart for that period of time for the sake of peace.
But if they do come around, let them know how much it’s appreciated. Wait till you’re alone, give them a big hug and say ‘Thanks for letting us stay together. It means a lot and I know it may have been hard for you’. Then treat the situation with respect. If you do end up having sex, make it the quietest you’ve ever had. Don’t wander out of the room half naked and don’t leave the door open so they’re treated to the sight of you having a sexy snog. Next time round, they probably won’t bat an eyelid but the first time their little girl officially becomes a woman - well, in their eyes anyway - it can be a bit traumatic.
By: Tracey Cox
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Holiday Couples, Sex Couples
Monday, December 17, 2007
Spending Your First Holidays Together
You love your boyfriend, you love your family, you adore Christmas so all three combined should be just bliss, right? Well, if you’re lucky, it will be. If you don’t happen to have the perfect family and perfect boyfriend - and does anybody? - these tips might help smooth out any potentially awkward or inflammatory situations.
-First up, brief everyone beforehand. You don’t need to give long, involved histories but at least make sure your family and your boyfriend are up to speed with the basics. Start with what everyone does or did for a living to avoid moments like ‘God, can you imagine being a dentist? Would that not be the worst job in the world dealing with all that bad breath’, greeted by ‘Oh really? I worked as a dentist for 40 years before I retired’. It’s also worth filling in any glaring differences between you and you parents or your boyfriends upbringing or education. If you went to posh private schools and your boyfriend grew up in a council flat and attended the local comprehensive, letting everyone know can avoid embarrassing throwaways which meant nothing but could be misconstrued if someone’s a little sensitive.
-A round-up of each other’s good points (Mum's very generous, so don’t be embarrassed if she buys you a gift)and bad (So don’t be surprised if she forces food on you) can also avert disaster. If your family know your boyfriend talks loudly and is a little opinionated, they’ll be prepared for it. They might not like him, but they’re more likely to forgive if they’ve had a chance to get used to something. Finally, say to each beforehand “It’s important to me that everyone gets on and we all have a nice time. I know it’s going to be a bit weird because no-one knows each other but I know you’ll make him feel at home/make an effort to like them.”
-The moment you arrive, bustle about, talking lots and fast to fill in any awkward silences and pay lots of attention to your family as well as your partner. It’s tempting to look after him rather than them because there’s more of them, but they’ll be feeling nervous too. If they’re always used to having you to themselves, they could be slightly jealous, so show you’ve got enough love to go around.
-Lastly, don’t panic if everyone doesn’t hit it off immediately, give them a chance to relax and get used to each other. And if your very worst nightmare materializes - no-one gets on and there’s an argument - stay calm and try not to take sides. Instead, suggest you all take a bit of time out and go for a short walk with your boyfriend to hear his side, then let him cool off while you talk to your family. Most people will calm down after 20 minutes and the calmer and more logical you are, the more likely they are to all see sense.
By: Tracey Cox
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Etiquette, Holiday Dining, Lifestyles
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Do Breast Enhancement Pills Really Work?
OK, so you’re looking for alternatives to surgical breast augmentation. You really want to enhance and/or enlarge your breasts out of dissatisfaction, feelings of inadequacy, or hey -maybe you just want to fill your clothes or your pretty bras out more alluringly! You, like many women are asking the question “do breast enhancement pills really work?” Larger breasts seem to the elusive object of desire for so many these days, especially with increasing numbers of women getting surgical breast augmentation, it’s almost become a status quo.
But you are not looking for the round, unmoving, and sometimes very artificial look of breast implants. It used to be if you were in this boat, you were really just relegated to living with the breasts you had, and learning to like them. Well, now, with the advent of modern science and nutraceutical technology, there are some very viable and effective alternatives to surgical breast augmentation. So, that brings us to that same question, do breast enhancement pills really work?
Well, in a word, yes. Breast enhancement pills do really work. But buyer beware! They do not all work – not by any stretch of the imagination. Not only that, but there are many that may actually produce undesirable side effects, and even with the ones that do work and enlarge your breasts, there are some general lifestyle guidelines you need to adhere to in order to get maximum results out of one of these products. Sometimes the manufacturers of breast enhancement pills neglect to tell you that you must adhere to certain lifestyle guidelines in order for their formula to take effect and actually induce additional breast growth after your body’s natural mechanisms have “shut off” the breast growth cycle.
For one, it’s always to your benefit to avoid caffeine whenever possible. Caffeine can actually interfere with the breast growth process by throwing off your hormonal balance, and render you breast enhancement pill ineffective or less effective. ALWAYS pair your oral breast enhancement with a topical breast enhancement cream, gel or serum. These serums actually penetrate the skin and deliver breast-growth encouraging ingredients transdermally, stimulating further breast growth, and making it easier for your breast enhancement pill to do it’s work. You will get optimal results from a breast enhancement pill if you do utilize both external and internal breast growth stimulation.
It has been found that women who have the highest success rates with breast enhancement pills actually curbed their carbohydrate intake while on the supplement or system. Conjecture might be that higher protein consumption somehow helps with the body’s absorption and utilization of the breast enhancing and breast growth stimulating properties of the herbs and/or compounds contained in the pills.
And the last point of advice in getting natural breast enhancement pills to work and deliver the results you are looking for, is to stick with whatever program you have been advised to by the manufacturer. That means, if they say take two pills in the morning and two pills at night, you need to do just that. No cheating and taking them intermittently or at the wrong times of day. Taking a breast enhancement pill incorrectly or in the wrong dosage will almost certainly render disappointing results, and it can even void money back guarantees that the company has offered.
So there you have it, an honest assessment of what natural breast enhancement pills can do for you, and how they do work as long as you stick to the rules and pick the right product. After you’ve picked the right product, the rest is up to you!
By:Danna Schneider
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Breast Enhancements, Breast Enhancers, Breast Enlarger, Breast Pills, Female Breast Augmentation
Thursday, December 13, 2007
WritIng Your Online Profile Effectively
If you've ever looked for love on the Web, you already know that the key to online dating success is an excellent profile -- one that presents you in your best light while giving would-be suitors a glimpse of what it'll take to win your heart. Easier said than done. Why not turn to the pros who have researched the online dating world and know what works -- and what doesn't? In I Can't Believe I'm Buying This Book: A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating, author Evan Marc Katz includes strategies on how to write a terrific online personal ad, and he even offers samples.
When consulting with Internet daters, I take great pains to try to help people spruce up their profiles. There are usually a bunch of things that can be altered, but most folks have a large blind spot when it comes to writing about themselves honestly, objectively and eloquently. Not only that, but very often the most articulate online daters write whatever comes out of their hearts without thinking of the effect their words are going to have on the reader.
I have deconstructed different profiles and attempted to analyze why I think they succeed. I took examples from all different demographics, men and women, twenties to sixties, to illustrate that as long as a person writes with a distinct voice the content can vary, but the result will still be positive. What works for one person does not necessarily work for everybody, but the general principles remain the same.
Use specifics. Be sincere and honest. Write like you talk. Show your personality. If you make jokes, make them tasteful, self-deprecating or sarcastic, and do so with caution. Figure out what makes you different from everyone else, and use it to your advantage. Again, stay away from generic adjectives and focus more on proper nouns and stories. If you're going to be wordy, have something interesting to say. Stay consistently positive and confident without seeming annoying and arrogant. Be proud of who you are and wear it confidently in your language and tone. Don't give anyone a reason to say no to you. No red flags, no obvious baggage, no glaring insecurities, no diatribes about past relationships, no spelling mistakes, no superficial wish list about money or looks.
You should have fun writing your profile. If you have fun writing it, the reader will likely have fun reading it.
by: Evan Marc Katz
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dating Techniques, Effective Marketing, online dating, Self Marketing
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
5 Ways to Get Frisky on a Cold Night
Forget hot chocolate. These racy sex taboos will not only heat up a cold night; they'll have you wishing for a blizzard! That way your office will call a snow day and you can do it all over again tomorrow. (Anyone who says chocolate is better than sex has things all wrong.)
Play Dress Up
Nurse outfits, baby-doll lingerie, catwoman suits… the idea of playing dress up, or fantasy role-playing, turns some women on — and makes others roar with laughter. Yes, you do pay through the nose for these outfits at sex shops, and they're not terribly well made either. But if you have the money and you're game for experimenting, why not?
If you're less than convinced, shift your thinking from traditional (read: expensive) role-play outfits to simply putting together a sexy, home-spun ensemble. High heels? Check! Stockings? Check! Long, black, satin gloves and a push-up bra? Check! And that's really all you'll need to be totally sexed up without even feeling (terribly) silly.
If you're still too shy to suggest the idea of role-playing, wear the outfit under a little black dress and let him peel off the layers to find the surprise underneath. (You can always pull on the gloves afterward.) And his “costume” is simple: No shirt. Jeans with the top button unfastened. Done. (That way you can see those sexy “penis pointer” muscles on his hips!)
Spank Him
Spanking appeals to many people because it falls nicely into the “kinky, but not too kinky” category: It's naughty enough to spice things up but not so extreme that it leaves a horrible “Am I weird?” post-sex hangover. Want to give it a whirl? Here's a simple guide:
* Pick a position. The classic you've-been-a-naughty-boy pose is him bent over your knee. But you could also have him stand, lie face down on the bed or kneel on all fours. (Save that last one for later, though, since it can feel a bit threatening for a first time.)
# The more fat and muscle a body part has, the harder a strike it can handle. Since the idea of playful spanking is to cause “pleasant” pain, but no damage, those fleshy, gorgeous orbs known as the buttocks are the obvious place to start.
# Start with your hand for the first spanking session. If you both enjoy it, then you can move onto soft whips, riding crops or paddles. Don't forget to remove any rings or bracelets, though—and use a pumice stone to remove any rough spots on your hands.
# Decide how long you want the session to last. The longer the session is, the lighter the slaps. Intense spanking should be done only for a short period of time.
# Wait until he's aroused before attempting your first spank; he'll be far more receptive to erotic pain. So do a lot of kissingand fondling first and run your fingers lightly over his buttocks. Then place one hand on a buttock cheek, the other on the genitals. Start with the cheek closest to you.
# Your first spank should be more like a caress than a slap. Cup your hand slightly, keep your fingers together and spank in a slightly upward motion. Massage the area for a few seconds afterward and fondle his genitals afterward.
# Does he look intrigued? Try another spank, then another one and another one about 3-5 seconds apart. Vary the weight, frequency and placement of the slaps.
# Now bring out the props you so cleverly hid near the bed: a satin or furry glove or the back of a hairbrush, for example.
If you both enjoyed the session, take a trip to a reputable sex shop (or go online) for some implements. Riding crops are an excellent addition to your toy box. They're good for light or heavy strokes and make a sinister swish and slapping sound, which is a nice touch during fantasy scenarios. They look sexy and they're inexpensive. You'll also find an array of whips. Rubber whips look fierce but are incredibly soft. If you want more, choose one made of soft, light leather. Both soft whips and crops are great for teasing: Have him gently poke the tip of the crop against your clitoris or brush the strands of the whip across his thighs. Paddles, broad, hard instruments, are for true devotees. They cause much more pain, and it's hard to judge how hard you're hitting when using one.
Have Cleavage Sex
Men are obsessed with breasts. (How's that for stating the obvious?) Rather than getting all huffy the next time his head swivels to check out someone else's perky double-Ds, indulge him. Start by stimulating him with manual sex or oral sex. Then lie back, put some lubricant between your breasts, push them together and invite him to thrust between them. Not only will he be awed that you're letting him aim his lethal part straight at your face, he'll never complain about having to sit through Desperate Housewives ever again if you—brace yourself—let him ejaculate on you. Oh, come on… Semen isn't sulphuric acid, you know! A quick wipe with a strategically placed tissue and it's gone.
Get Frisky with Food
We all love eating, but food is also a versatile sex toy: Smear it, drip it on, lick it off! And you can do better than just whipped cream, honey and ice cream. If you're on a diet—even in bed, really?—go for avocados, mangoes, berries and bananas. Many foods, with the exception of hot and spicy ones, are safe to smear on the outside of the genitals, but keep in mind: There are definitely some safety precautions. First and foremost, be overly careful about inserting things. Sugary foods can set off yeast infections. Oily foods have a nasty habit of “eating” through condoms because oil breaks down latex. Never, ever squirt or spray anything into the anus or vagina—not even whipped cream—because it can be dangerous. And food isn't just for smearing, by the way; it's also sexy to actually eat it! Jumping into bed together to devour a tray full of decadent goodies is unbeatably hedonistic. Choose bite-size finger foods that look, taste and feel sexy: strawberries, grapes, chocolate, olives, oysters on ice… You can even warm up (and set the mood for a steamy night) by sharing some hot chocolate.
Escape the cold, the snow and a sexual rut by heading to a local strip club or, better yet, an adult bookstore with a “peep booth.” Peep booths offer a focused, private place for the two of you to satisfy your voyeuristic urges safely. Typically you go inside, sit on a stool or bench, put money or a token into a meter and a screen lifts to reveal an exotic dancer putting on a show behind glass. Sometimes you have no control over what she does, whereas other places allow you to request specific acts or dirty talk (for extra cash of course). If it's a private booth—and most are—it's standard for you two to have sex while she does her thing. However, remember that other people have had sex there before you—so pack some baby wipes and an old towel.
By: Tracey Cox
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: For Couples, Intimacies, Love Life, Spicing up
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Pull Off a Striptease Like a Pro: 11 Tips
You've probably thought about stripping for your guy, and surely the thought has crossed his mind. So before you walk the walk, get some straight talk and insider tips from author and iVillage sex expert Tracey Cox. In this excerpt from her book Supersex, Tracey tells you everything you need to know to tease him like a pro. So grab your highest heels and get ready to rumble.
Is your stripping for him his ultimate fantasy? Is the Pope Catholic? I made all my male friends read the instructions that follow and asked, "If your girlfriend did this for you, would you be impressed?" "Impressed?!!" spluttered my friend Sean, "I'd be on my knees if a girl did this for me." (To propose, by the way.) I enlisted the help of an expert on this one. The gorgeous Amy Bateman is a London-based dancer, stripper and teacher of both arts. She helped put together this idiot-proof stripping routine (and yes, she does get asked out a lot).
The Top Titillating Stripping Moves
Set the scene for seduction by e-mailing or calling your partner earlier in the day. His instructions: to buy champagne and have it on ice by the time you get home. When you're 10 minutes away from the house, call again and ask him to put on your chosen CD (time it so the right song will be playing when you walk in the door), turn the lights down a little and plunk his bottom on the sofa. Then take a deep breath and prepare to...
Walk the Walk
Throw open the front door (well, maybe not too violently in case he's hovering behind it) and carelessly throw your handbag in a corner. If he's not already sitting expectantly on the couch, order him there. Then simply parade about a bit, strutting your stuff. Mentally visualize a figure of eight and make your hips follow. Place one foot directly in front of the other when you walk, and you'll see how easy it is! Chest out. Head up. Think proud and sassy. It's all about attitude! (And OK, you're allowed one rather large gulp of champagne).
Play with Your "Penis"
No, I've not gone nuts. Your scarf — the modern girl's equivalent to the feather boa — is your phallic object. Treat it as you would him: sometimes rough, sometimes gentle. Run it seductively through your hands, then over your shoulders and from side to side, arching your back at the same time (stomach in, breasts out). Scarves are great props: Use it as a blindfold, put it around his neck to draw him close, use it later to tie him up (but only if he's been a good boy).
Remove Your Jacket
As an Object of Teasing the jacket comes off very, very, v-e-r-r-r-y-y-y slowly. With your back to him, look back over your shoulder. Unbutton the jacket, then shrug your shoulder sexily so it slides down in one motion. Remove one arm at a time but DON'T drop it! This is what separates the professional from the amateur: A real stripper will keep the jacket covering her bra and breasts with both hands and... then turn around to face him. Remove the jacket from your breasts with one hand and drop it to the floor.
Off Goes the Skirt
Again, with your back to him, look over your shoulder. Unzip your skirt as slowly as possible, sticking your butt out and arching your back. The skirt should be off in one quick, smooth motion. Once it's on the floor, step out of it and leave it there. A word of warning to the clumsy (like me): It's easy to get it caught around your ankles, do an ungainly dance, then topple in an undignified, humiliated heap — which is why one gulp of bubbly is good for the courage, but more is a bad idea.
And the High-Heeled Shoes
Slip-on mules aren't optional, they're de rigueur. There's not really an elegant way to remove your shoes, but the whole effect is instantly ruined if you're having to stop, lean over and fiddle with straps. (I don't care how gorgeous they are or how thin they make your ankles look, you're NOT allowed to wear them!) Simply lift your leg up behind you, lean down and use your hand to remove the shoe in as "ladylike" a way as possible.
Slide Off Your Stockings
Position yourself side-on, maintaining eye contact, and put one leg up on a chair. Undo the garter belt first (obviously), then roll down the stockings using both hands, one on each side of your leg. Keep it nice and slow — the idea is, your hands are his hands. Keep rolling down until your hands are on your ankle. (Butt high in the air, of course!) Once you've slipped the stocking off your heel, remove it from your foot with finger and thumb, then use it as a prop to drape around his neck, swishing it past his nose so that he can smell the scent of your skin on the stockings.
Ping the Garter Belt
These don't look so hot without stockings attached, so get rid of yours right after the stockings have been removed. Simply unclip and ping them across the room with as much finesse as you can possibly muster! And hopefully without removing one of his eyes.
Braless and Brazen
Stripping for him is a little like unwrapping a present when the prize inside is you. Every time you peel off a piece of clothing, he's closer to seeing what's hidden inside, so draw this one out as much as possible. Face him, then shrug the straps off nice and slowly. Turn around, look over your shoulder (maintaining eye contact) and undo the bra but hold it over your breasts. Now turn to face him (a suitable wicked expression on your face) and with one arm across your chest, holding the bra in place, use your other hand to pull the bra out from beneath, nice and slowly. Drop the bra but keep one arm still covering your breasts. Then take it away, stroking your fingers across each breast as you go. Now's when you go into full stripper mode: back arched, breasts out. Play with and touch them, lifting them in both hands, kneading the nipples. Make like Demi in Striptease.
Next — the Undies!
OK, the idea is to remove your panties porn-star style, instead of yanking them down as if you're going to pee. Whatever you do, don't have your legs together for this one or you really will look like you're about to plant your bottom on the nearest toilet seat. Keep one leg in front of the other with your heel lifted. Got the stance? Get ready for the finale! Put your hands (palms facing legs) completely inside the straps at the side so you're lifting them up and away from your legs. Give him a side-on view, then slide your hands and panties down your body, keeping them lifted away from your body. As your hands move down, your body follows. Once your undies are past your knees, they should fall down to your feet. Now for the final (and hardest) part. If you thought stepping out of your skirt was hard, stepping elegantly out of a teensy-weensy, all-curled-up-like-a-rubber-band thong is a nightmare. The best advice Amy can give: Take it slow and step out one foot at a time.
Take a Victory Lap
The temptation is to rush over and hide in his. Don't. Parade around, touching and caressing your body until he can't take it anymore — and needs to take you instead.
The 10 Golden Rules
1. Absolutely Totally Cannot Be Broken Rule No. 1: You're allowed to touch him, but he's not allowed to touch you. Not with hands, mouth, tongue or penis. Only his eyes and imagination are allowed to roam.
2. Absolutely Totally Cannot Be Broken Rule No. 2: You must maintain eye contact with him throughout the performance.
3. Keep the lights ON: It's all about showing off your body, not hiding it. It really doesn't matter whether you'd put a supermodel to shame or make the local preacher's wife look good, sexy is all about how you feel. You don't need a great body to strip. All you need is confidence and attitude.
4. Slather on Stuff... Fake tan (you'll feel more confident with some color), lip gloss (slightly smeared), blusher (around your nipples to make them look more defined), a slight slick of baby oil on your body for sheen.
5. Plan Your Outfit: I've deliberately made this strip user-friendly in the sense that it assumes you've just come home from work and walked in the front door. Sure, you wouldn't normally wear stockings and garter belts to the office (top score if you do!) but there's not too much else that's different — which means you'll be far more likely to strip on impulse (and therefore actually do it, rather than just talk about it). There's only one thing Amy and I absolutely must insist on outfit-wise: no big underpants à la Bridget Jones! Obviously, a G-string (thong) suits the mood of a striptease best, but it's far more important that you feel sexy in whatever underwear you choose.
6. Don't Be a Neat Freak: You're supposed to be throwing your clothes off with abandon. Stopping to put your skirt on a hanger, carefully folding your top or hanging your jacket behind the door ruins the effect somewhat (don't laugh — it happens). Everything is left where you throw/drop it.
7. Think the Three T's: Tempt, Tantalize, Tease: During the entire performance, parade around, walk up and down, flirt, flick your hair around, gyrate your body. Be his private dancer.
8. Your Hands Are His Hands: Touch yourself the way he wants to touch you, in places he wants to touch. Go for it. You can keep it light and innocent by touching yourself the way a virgin might. Or you can get wickedly down-and-dirty from the word go.
9. Borrow a Dancer's Trick: Keep one leg in front of the other, heel lifted, whenever possible. It makes otherwise awkward poses look elegant (and your legs and body look long and lean). It's also great for photographs (check out any shot of Liz Hurley and she's invariable assumed this pose)!
10. Choose the Music to Suit Your Mood: Yes, "Hey, Big Spender" is a tad dated, so just choose something you always end up flinging yourself around the living room to, on your wilder late nights.
By: Tracey Cox
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: attractive sexy women, Strip Dancing, Strip Tease, Women Sexy Dancing
Friday, December 7, 2007
Shopping 101 for the Female's Vibrating Toys
Buying the things that go buzz in the night
Want to take your love life from zero to sexy? Then let's talk toys! I'll explain why a sex shop is an even better place to splurge than your most-loved shoe store. Plus, I've compiled a list of woman-friendly favorite products you'll love.
Shopping for sex toys is one of the few areas of sexual experimentation where women are far more adventurous than men. Yes, it's shopping (which explains a lot), and we're suckers for anything shiny, pink and playful, which many sex toys are. But most importantly, for a number of us, the humble vibrator is also our most reliable means of orgasm.
Men, on the other hand, are slightly more apprehensive: They tend to see vibrators as "replacements," rather than supplements, to a sex life. It's true that our buzz buddies do occasionally help us achieve orgasms more efficiently than our partner. However, there are still good reasons why he should be smiling supportively when you walk through the front door with an oddly shaped parcel in a discreet, dark bag (looking like the cat that swallowed the canary). After all, sex toys are, just as the name suggests, toys, things to play with for a bit of fun ‑- and have fun you will.
Choosing a Sex Shop
Pick a place to suit your mood: A sleazy shop if you're feeling down and dirty or a "posh" shop if you want to go a swankier route. If you're paranoid that his mother or your nosy big sister will be walking down the street as you head in or out of the store, choose one in an area they're unlikely to visit. If you get caught by friends and they look at all shocked, just laugh and launch into a funny story of what happened in there; it will make them look prudish while you and your partner appear liberated and terribly cool.
Picking Out Your Products
Research suggests that around 10 percent of adults use sex toys regularly, but I'd put that figure much higher. In fact, about 60 percent of my girlfriends own at least one vibrator (not to mention all the other stuff they're not admitting to). You can go online to decide on your toys of choice, of course, if you're shy (and yes, they will arrive in unmarked packaging, not a box that screams "10-inch throbbing dildo!"). But I'd highly recommend that you and your guy visit a reputable sex shop together ‑- even if you just go once ‑- simply because you can hold and touch the products. It's also a naughty, sexy bonding experience that might turn you both on more than you can imagine! But since both ways of shopping can be very intimidating and overwhelming, I've compiled a list of favorite things to get you started:
Vibrators: Every woman's best friends, vibrators come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny buzzing "lipsticks" to enormous, penis-shaped devices. Narrow the selection by deciding what you want from yours: If it's for masturbation and you prefer penetration with clitoral stimulation, go for one of the "Rabbits," as featured in Sex and the City, a penis-shaped vibrator with a clitoral attachment. "Wand" vibrators, small cylindrical vibrators that you hold against the clitoris, are also great and ideal for use during intercourse. For more powerful vibration on the clitoris, opt for one that looks like a back massager, large with a big rounded head, such as the Hitachi Magic Wand.
The small, hard plastic ones offer better vibration, while the jellylike rubber or silicone varieties have weaker vibration but feel nicer. Make sure you get one with variable speed. Test how quiet it is, and be sure it's waterproof if you want to use it in the bath or shower. You'll also find "gadget"-type vibrators, ones with and without remote controls that are disguised as everyday objects. Such models are fun ‑- but only in addition to, not in place of staple purchases.
Dildos: These are basically imitation penises that come in a range of sizes. The difference between a dildo and a vibrator is that dildos don't vibrate. Usually made of rubber, they're sometimes "S" shaped for G-spot stimulation. If you like the feeling of fullness, they're good to insert during oral sex. You'll also see strap-on versions called harnesses. By attaching them to your body, you can transform female into male instantly: the ultimate gender-bender. These are handy for lesbians who like penetration, for men who are into anal penetration and for fantasy role-play. Some harnesses have a second dildo which fits inside the vagina or anus.
Nipple Clamps: S & M devotees adore these because they create the sensation of pinching and pain. The rest of us look at them, think Ouch! and move back to the warm, fuzzy vibrator section.
Pelvic Floor Toners: The more toned your vaginal muscles are, the better sex will be for both of you since you'll be able to grip his penis tighter. You can rhythmically squeeze the muscles, doing repetitive sets called Kegel exercises without inserting one of these gadgets. But having something to grip increases the odds that you're doing the exercises correctly. Most pelvic floor toners resemble tiny barbells. They're highly recommended after childbirth but handy for anyone, really.
Penis Rings: He slips one of these rubber, leather or metal rings onto a flaccid or semierect penis. Because the ring is tight, it traps blood in the penis, helping maintain a stronger erection for longer. If he's a little on the, ahem, small side, he'll probably like it because they make the penis look and feel bigger. The only problem is, men with smaller penises tend to be premature ejaculators (not very fair, but it's because the penis head has roughly the same amount of nerves, and they're more concentrated over a smaller surface). So consider yourself warned: Since penis rings tend to increase sensitivity, he could orgasm sooner than usual. (Gain some, lose some.) If you want to try one, opt for rubber first (leather is more expensive and metal a bit scary), but make sure it will fit snugly around the penis. Also, don't leave it on for more than 20 minutes, and whatever you do, remove it before you snuggle up for the night.
Vibrating Penis Rings: These are generally made of rubber and have little vibrators attached for clitoral stimulation. In order for them to work effectively he should use a grinding, circular thrusting motion during intercourse, rather than the traditional in-out motion, to keep the little vibrator in as much contact with the clitoris as possible. Despite the extra effort required, they're well worth a try ‑- and inexpensive as well.
Blindfolds: You know what these are and exactly what to do with them! You can make a blindfold out of anything, but fancy ones are good for role-play and dress-up.
Whips and Riding Crops: All used for spanking and not nearly as threatening as you'd imagine, many of these make menacing sounds but land with a whisper-soft touch ‑- perfect for role-play. Riding crops, for example, come in pretty colors, but with a serious expression on your face, you'll be the one in charge.
S & M Gear: Those dangerous-looking studded collars, leather outfits and masks are sometimes enough to send people back out the sex shop door. But if you're intrigued rather than intimidated, start off with some handcuffs or a studded collar. If that really does it for you, then work your way up to the complete leather get-up and serious bondage gear. It can cost a fortune.
Dress-Up Clothes: Nurses' outfits, baby-doll lingerie, one-piece catsuits... They're straight out of the '80s and tons of fun. Be warned, though: You'll pay through the nose for them in a sex shop, and they're not very well made. But if you've got the cash and you like the look of them, why not?
Porn and Erotica: Porn has come a long way since Debbie Does Dallas. While traditional male porn still dominates most video sections, there are many films made by women for women.
By:Tracey Cox
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Female Adult Toys
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
How to Show Cleavage in a Bikini
By: ehow
Finding the right bikini top to show your cleavage involves understanding the way bikinis are designed, as well as deciding how much of your breasts you want to expose. By shopping carefully and taking the time to find the right bikini to properly accentuate the shape of your breasts, you will be able to display your cleavage proudly to the world. Read on to learn more.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy
Things You'll Need
* Sunscreen
* Bikini
* Vitamin E and cocoa butter (lotions or oils)
Step One
Study the three parameters for bikini top design, all of which help to accentuate cleavage. These parameters, known as fashion lines, include the armholes, the neckline and the cut-off line (the line that runs underneath the breasts). Understanding how these three factors interact with each other will allow you to choose the best bikini top to show your cleavage.
Step Two
Choose the right type of bikini for your specific chest size. Some bikini tops are made to accentuate small breasts by providing more support on the sides, near the armholes, to increase the amount of cleavage. Other bikini tops may be designed to support larger breasts by reinforcing the cut-off line underneath the breast, pushing them upward.
Step Three
Pick a bikini top that conforms to the shape of your breasts and is extremely comfortable at the same time. Wearing a bikini top that pinches or restricts blood circulation could cause the skin around your breasts to lose their natural glow or even appear splotchy. Take the time to find the perfect top, and don't compromise on this point just because you like a specific design or brand.
Step Four
Look for a bikini top, such as a halter, where you can adjust the ties at the back and the neck. This can allow you to show off your cleavage while you are in different positions, such as lying on the beach, sitting at a seaside bar or even swimming in the water.
Step Five
Attract more attention to your cleavage by using plenty of oil and lotion to keep the skin looking healthy. Cocoa butter and oil or lotions that contain Vitamin E will help to maintain the appearance of sexy, vibrant skin. In addition, don't forget to use an effective sunscreen while you show your cleavage, since leathery, overexposed skin is not normally considered attractive.
Tips & Warnings
* One of the best ways to achieve a natural skin glow around your cleavage is to make sure you drink at least 8 to 10 8-oz. glasses of distilled water per day. This will help to increase blood circulation, as well as prevent the pores in your skin from clogging.
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Breasts, cleavage, for women, Sexy Bikinis, Sexy Ladies, Tits
Monday, December 3, 2007
What You Need to Know About Penis Enhancement
There are many penis enlarger products and devices on the market today that you may have trouble making an informed decision on which products are real and which products are fake. It is important that you choose enlarger products that are safe, so as not to cause your penis any damage. There are certain things that you should research and take into consideration if and when you decide to buy a penis enlargement product. If you thoroughly research the product or devices offered, you would be able to make an informed decision on which penis enlargement product is best for you.
One of the first things you can research about an enlargement product is through independent reviews. Independent reviews refer to customers reviews outside of the male enhancement website where you found the product. You will get the truth about whether or not the penis enlarger product works and if it does not work, how well it does from people who have actually bought and used the product.
Types of Male Enhancement Products
You need to consider the type of male enhancement product you are looking for, as there are an abundance of penis enlarger items: pills, herb, oils, patches and other types of non-medicinal devices. If you are considering pills, herbs, or any penis enhancement product that falls into this category, you will need to make sure a doctor has endorsed it. This means you will need to see if a doctor has tested the penis enlarger product. If you are still unsure if any particular penis enlargement product is worth your money, you can take a copy of the listed ingredients and ask your local doctor about them. He/she will be able to tell you if the ingredients will actually enlarge your penis or if it is a waste of money.
If you are looking to buy penis enlarger devices, you need to consider things a little more carefully, as this is a device that will actually go on your penis. It is important to buy a safe, approved product so as not to cause yourself harm. Devices that enlarge your penis can refer to things like penis pumps and penis traction (stretcher, extender) devises. You need to consider the quality of material and craftsmanship in the devise. You do not want it to rust or break, as that would be a waste of money.
Creators of Penis Enlargement Products
One last thing you should consider before you purchase penis enlarger product, is the company who created it. Basically, if the company is not well known or you cannot look it up and find a decent amount of information on the company, then the penis enlargement product is probably no good. Considering the company also means considering how much they are charging you for their products. A good rule of thumb to follow is, if the enhancement product is cheap or extremely expensive, it might be a fraud. If you do not want to waste time or money, you will need to study the penis enlarger products before you buy them.
By:Aaron L.
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: for men, Hot Men, Penis Enlargement
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Creative Dating Ideas That Are Cheap But Romantic
By:Emi Sur
Do you know of creative dating ideas that are cheap but at the same time romantic? You doubt so? Let me prove it to you and show you how! In these 3 easy ways of creative dating, you can have a clearer idea of how dating can be made romantic and yet cheap.
People usually associate romantic dating with expensive candlelight dinners, big bouquets of flowers, wine and chocolates. But do you really know that women are the emotional creatures who craves and live for romance and creative dating? Expensive dates can be romantic BUT cheap dates can be romantic too. After all, it is the heart and the extra mile that you go to, that pulls off the romantic date.
1) Spa – Spending time soaking in a spa milk bath or a therapeutic massage session can be very relaxing and romantic. With the aromatherapy, love petals and the serenity of the spa room can be indeed very romantic.
2) Gardening – Enjoy the afternoon planting and grooming your flowerbed. Planting a young seedling and growing it can be romantic too as the process reflects your time as a couple, spending time and energy to nurture not only the plant but your love as well.
3) Drive – Enjoy the romantic cruise downtown or in the suburban area while viewing the lovely sights. Explore new places or revisit old haunts with the nostalgic romantic feel.
Cheap dating ideas can enable you to spend quality and intimate time in relationship. Not to even mention unforgettable. With that extra element of sweet romance, you’re bound to sweep off your date and leave a good impression on you. You’ll be sure that he/she will appreciate and love you even more!
Posted by The Grapevine Team at 7:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: Sexual Intimacies, Sexy Couples, Sexy Lovers